Photos: Autumn
Sep 16, 2012 in Theme posts
Autumn is here again, so I think it’s time for another autumn picture post!
I always get very excited about autumn clothes. This year I’m all about college girl fashions of the 40s and 50s, especially since I recently watched Mona Lisa Smile which I can highly recommend for all its wonderful early 50s collegiate clothes.
Source: 1944 Sears fall catalogue via Ancestry.
Jane Russell.
Hedy Lamarr. Source: Dr. Macro.
Barbara Stanwyck.
Photograph by Nickolas Muray for a cover of McCall’s magazine, 1938. Via Yeh Yeh Grace.
Ruth Orkin photo for Ladies Home Journal cover, c.1950.
Lucille Ball
Ann Blyth.
Eva Bartok.