My wardrobe
Aug 30, 2009 in Home
I finally took some photos of my not so new anymore wardrobe. It’s hard to get photos that do it justice since it has no windows and I can really only take decent photos in natural light. It’s really beautiful anyway, I can just stand and watch it for ages.
The shelves and drawers to the left are from IKEA but the big shelf and clothing racks are from other places. I still have to put in a white soft carpet so you don’t get to see any pictures of the floor and the shoes on it, but the rest is all finished.
The shoe boxes on the right are from IKEA, and so are the round boxes. I painted the boxes that didn’t fit the colour scheme, like the box under the clown hat and the stripy pink box.
I like the shape of the drawers.
I painted the big stripy hat box as well.
One of my favourite Bolles girls.