Instagram March
Apr 13, 2015 in Instagram
A late but not forgotten Instagram post! I have tons of pictures from March since I went on a brilliant trip to England and lots of photos were taken.
#tbt to about 2005-6. Hanging out in a graveyard with a bat in my hair. That’s some of the best hair I’ve had and I’m trying to get it that long again. Liselotte Eriksson took the photo.
Hahaaaaa iPhoto tries to guess who Jennifer Saunders and Ade Edmondson are based on who else I have pictures of…
Hand painted top preview.
Henrik is a moth?
Polaroids of the hand painted tops.
At the Natural History Museum in London.
Going to the Harry Potter studios.
Liselotte and Claire at Hogwarts.
Going to potions class with Liselotte.
Great bottle.
The wonderful Borgin and Burkes display.
I don’t remember this animatronic from the movies and I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be from the books, but it looks like some unsettlingly off taxidermy and I want it in my home.
Gorgeous Thestral.
Various monsters.
The amazing Buckbeak animatronic. In motion it was incredibly lifelike.
Loitering on the Hogwarts bridge.
Outside Ollivander’s.
Hogwarts by night.
Trying some wands.
Knackered on the bus after Harry Potter studios.
In a Wimbledon sushi place bathroom.
My Bottom diptych framed at Claire’s place.
Getting ready in Glastonbury.
Hotel view.
In Chalice Well gardens in Glastonbury.
The Chalice Well.
Beautiful green branches.
Fiend and Liselotte matching the greenery.
Lovely plants.
More lovely plants.
Moth lady for a faerie ball in Glastonbury.
After the faerie ball.
Hotel morning after the faerie ball. With my cheese and pickle sandwich, probably watching Location, Location, Location as per usual.
Cool kids Liselotte and Naomi in the pub.
In Todmorden.
Canal walk.
Beautiful mossy drain thing in Todmorden.
Amazing overgrown arches in a Todmorden park.
Under one of the arches, so green!
Getting ready for a photo shoot in Fiend’s ultimate goth lair.
Getting a fake tattoo from Claire.
So fond of that black lace top I borrowed.
Getting ready for another photo shoot.
Behind the scenes of modeling Elflocks for Woodland Wild. They made me feel like some enchanted rag doll princess!
Liselotte Eriksson being a beautiful psychedelic blur.
Rag dolls on a mission!
More behind the scenes, and the beautiful Yorkshire landscape.
Lovely Claire with one of Fiend’s beautiful rats. I wish I was back there already!
Came home from England to this lovely surprise. Thank you so much Nathalie!
Got some amazing candles in Glastonbury.
One of my resin dolls taking a ride on Sea Harp.
Hamming it up in my The Original Bad Girl racer tee.
Threw on random clothes to go down to the shop, looked in the mirror and realised I looked just like Edina Monsoon. Tried to capture it but the effect sadly isn’t as startling in the photos.
#tbt to about 2001, posing in the garden with some horns I made. Me and Liselotte used to run a little web shop selling handmade wings, horns and other faerie style accessories.
Took some “official” photos of the dolls before they went up for sale.
Continuing to take unconscious style cues from Eddie. I thought this felt familiar.
Coppery/gold makeup.
Made a Hand of Glory inspired holder for some candles I found at an antiques fair.
Super tall and thin candles.
Giving Depop a go to sell some clothes. So far there’s only this amazing pair of winklepickers that I have finally decided to sell. They’re just too big. I’ll be on the lookout for a smaller replacement pair though. I’m Johannaost on Depop as well!
Just pickling my rubber snake… Which totally sounds like a naughty euphemism.
A nice combination of space girls being shipped out.
From Henrik’s instagram:
Modeling the hand painted tops.
The not-getting-makeup-on-your-clothes-while-changing trick.
At the airport before going to England.
Fixing my hair at Claire’s place.
In Diagon Alley.
In the Glastonbury hotel room.
Getting ready for the Faerie Ball.
Getting ready for nothing in particular…
…and getting ready for photo shoots at Fiend’s place.
Photo shooting in Todmorden.
My lighting setup for photographing the resin dolls.
The neighbours’ cat visiting.