Instagram January
Feb 1, 2013 in Books, Dolls and toys, My art and illustration and Instagram
A late Christmas prsent from Henrik. I love this book.
Detail of an upcoming painting.
I found this great pattern on a paper inside a chocolate box. I want it on my walls!
Wonderful Christmas present from Henrik.
Drawing and painting at the kitchen table with tea and Poirot audiobooks, my new favourite thing!
I bought this art deco clip as a Christmas present for myself. It reminds me of morse code!
Another Christmas present, the Miss Astronaut repro Barbie.
Got new headphones.
Outfit. Skirt from Etsy and blouse handed down from my mum via my sister. Tie borrowed from Henrik.
…and one of my art deco clips.
The final progress photo of this painting.
Face mask!
Vanity treasures from Stockholm vintage shop Old Touch. Amazing Marinello cosmetics bottle and a set of Fragonard perfume samples which I’m guessing is from the 40s.
My hair dying lab coat. Can you tell my hair used to be red?
Progress photo of a new painting.
From the same painting.
There was something so otherworldly about this sight for some reason. At first I thought the dog was a statue.
Making pie!
Some much needed new stockings.