Monster arm infection in the windowsill jungle
Jan 25, 2015 in Dolls and toys, My art and illustration and My photos
Just playing around with my resin dolls, a clay horn and some sheets of blue plastic.
The blog of Swedish artist Johanna Öst.
19 posts
Jan 25, 2015 in Dolls and toys, My art and illustration and My photos
Just playing around with my resin dolls, a clay horn and some sheets of blue plastic.
Mar 1, 2014 in Dolls and toys and Instagram
Jan 29, 2014 in Dolls and toys and My art and illustration
Continuing my sale of old paintings, I now have three My Little Pony paintings for sale in my Etsy shop. I really like these so I hope they go to a good home!
Nov 4, 2013 in Books, Dolls and toys, Halloween, My art and illustration, Sewing and Instagram
Aug 26, 2013 in Dolls and toys and My photos
One of the best parts about our road trip was finding my favourite She-Ra figure, Catra, at a thrift store! When I entered the store I saw a He-Man figure on a shelf. I love Masters of the Universe but I was not particularly interested in this figure so I left it, but I was kind of hoping there might more.
I was going through a shelf with Barbie and similar dolls very thoroughly without finding anything good, but as I was about to leave I saw something pink and black in the adjoining shelf which I had only quickly looked through since it didn’t seem to contain anything interesting. It was Catra!
So not only did I find another MotU figure, but a She-Ra one (unusual in Sweden, I’ve never seen one at a thrift store before and don’t know anyone who had them when I was a kid), and not only a She-Ra figure but my favourite! Plus, it was even my favourite version, Scratchin’ sound Catra.
Feb 1, 2013 in Books, Dolls and toys, My art and illustration and Instagram
Nov 9, 2012 in Books, Dolls and toys, Halloween, Sewing and Instagram
A belated Instagram October, and a very meagre one. Work has been taking all my energy lately and you may have noticed I haven’t blogged much either. I didn’t even have the energy to make a Halloween costume! Though I did have grand plans which will have to wait until next year.
Apr 24, 2012 in Dolls and toys and My photos
Remember this painting? I made it in exchange for the She-Ra Crystal Castle and a whole bunch of the dolls. I never had any She-Ra toys growing up but I’m a huge fan. When I was a kid I cut out the Crystal Castle, dolls and horses from a toy catalogue and played with them like teeny tiny paper dolls.
I did a huge, amazing toy trade with Nathalie, who I got this from, many years ago when I was still living at home, but I turned down the She-Ra stuff because I simply didn’t have room. It’s been nagging me ever since so about seven years later I finally asked if she still had it and would be willing to trade, and now it’s mine! I still want some more dolls and horses, especially my favourite Catra, but I’m so happy I have all this.
I’ve been cleaning and fixing everything up and now it’s all done. There are few things I like as much as cleaning and restoring toys.
Apr 15, 2012 in Dolls and toys and My photos
Random My Little Pony photo documentation before packing this one away! I don’t have any room to display my ponies so I don’t really buy them anymore, only at flea markets if they are cheap, in great condition and a pony I especially like. This one happened to be all of the above.
Feb 29, 2012 in Dolls and toys and Instagram
Another month viewed through Instagram!
As always, if you want to follow me on Instagram I’m johannaost. You should also check out my boyfriend’s Instagram at henrikn.