Etherian seance
Aug 26, 2013 in Dolls and toys and My photos
One of the best parts about our road trip was finding my favourite She-Ra figure, Catra, at a thrift store! When I entered the store I saw a He-Man figure on a shelf. I love Masters of the Universe but I was not particularly interested in this figure so I left it, but I was kind of hoping there might more.
I was going through a shelf with Barbie and similar dolls very thoroughly without finding anything good, but as I was about to leave I saw something pink and black in the adjoining shelf which I had only quickly looked through since it didn’t seem to contain anything interesting. It was Catra!
So not only did I find another MotU figure, but a She-Ra one (unusual in Sweden, I’ve never seen one at a thrift store before and don’t know anyone who had them when I was a kid), and not only a She-Ra figure but my favourite! Plus, it was even my favourite version, Scratchin’ sound Catra.
I’ve had these rock candies and a crystal shaped bouncing ball lying around for a while, thinking they’d look good with my She-Ra figures.
I’ve also had these two absolutely stunning pieces of skull shaped candy lying around since our trip. I bought them just because they were beautiful and immediately thought of them swooping through the air with flames behind.
When I saw all these things together it felt obvious to make a seance photoshoot with a crystal ball and ectoplasmic spirits.
This candy skull is my favourite, so beautiful. The sculpt, the colours.
Catra with her henchwoman Entrapta, another of my very favourite figures.
And double agent Double Trouble.
Taking a ride on Panthor.
The perfect outfit. I just wish I had her accessories as well.