Instagram January
Jan 31, 2012 in Dolls and toys, Sewing and Instagram
A look back at January through Instagram (plus a couple of pictures from december). I’ve been using it quite a lot!
If you want to follow me on Instagram I’m johannaost.
These first two pictures are from December. Advent star at my parents’ house.
Mumme, one of mine and my family’s cats.
Beautiful house I saw on a walk. There are lots of beautiful houses close to our home.
A late Christmas present for Henrik.
Beautiful vintage brooch.
One of our two trees.
My beautiful art deco porridge oat canister.
Vintage Christmas decals that you put on your fridge or a window.
Old hair combs from my grandmother’ house. Does anyone have any idea how old they might be? Also, does anyone know what I should or shouldn’t use to fix that broken off prong? I think it’s celluloid or something similar, I don’t suppose it could be real tortoise? It’s very brittle and stiff.
The visible man and his minions.
Making hats. Coming soon to my Etsy store!
Old button card.
Vintage reproduction candy that I won in a game of Christmas present dice.
A somewhat gothy look and a new dress.
This was before I realised taking photos with the front-facing camera is not a good idea.
Art deco dress clip.
A plastic flower.
Patches and patch boxes on my vanity, for my 18th century outings.
An old card game.
My vintage View-Master reels.
Rock Candy. I have such an obsession with crystal clusters and being able to eat them is such a beautiful idea.
Inside my walk in closet.
Getting ready by my vanity. I sit here every morning.
An outfit. I love my Heyday pants.
New sunglasses.
My jewellery drawer.
My favourite bra from What Katie Did.
Bird tracks on our deck.
The perfect boudoir lamp. Super expensive though.
The perfect triple floor lamp.
A mirror I hung up in our bedroom.