Instagram October
Nov 4, 2013 in Books, Dolls and toys, Halloween, My art and illustration, Sewing and Instagram
My Halloween costume in progress.
My horror comic is slowly getting closer to the finish. It’s just eight pages but there’s tons of detail and I’ve only been working on it sporadically.
Playing WoW with my favourite birthday present, Synergy! It’s the beautiful new Integrity version, but I really want the original doll as well :)
This place is just insanely beautiful, and it matches Synergy!
Amazing birthday gift from Miriam.
Another favourite present.
I got a great necklace and wore super long fake nails. I had to rip the nails off after one night though, I couldn’t do anything and kept scratching my face (and eye). I will learn though!
On my way to Malung!
My favourite couple.
Pins I got in Malung. With the help of some Instagram people I’ve found out they’re called “bar brooches”.
Finished! Will scan this soon.
Fantastic Totoro piggy bank. Birthday present from my sister and her boyfriend.
Started sketching Grandmama as well.
Got this beautiful mermaid necklace.
My grandfather.
Halloween costume crown.
Raygun closeup!
Some pictures from Henrik’s Instagram: