Johanna ÖstJohanna Öst

The blog of Swedish artist Johanna Öst.

My art and illustration

297 posts

New art: Cave

Nov 9, 2011 in My art and illustration


A commissioned portrait of a couple. I had free rein to do what I wanted and the only guidelines was that it should be somewhat inspired by The Creature of the Black Lagoon. It was a really fun portrait to make!


Sketches: Cat and dog

Nov 3, 2011 in My art and illustration


I’ve decided to start posting some of my sketches here. Preliminary sketches, eliminated sketches and little doodles, stuff I don’t want on my art site which is only for finished works.

I’m also going to try to keep a regular sketch book. I usually put a lot of pressure on myself about my pictures, I want all my paintings and drawings to have both an interesting concept and be perfectly executed, which means I don’t do them as often as I’d like to, and I don’t draw much just for fun anymore.

When I went to university I doodled tons on my papers and notepads, and some of those unplanned doodles turned out to be some of my very best ideas, some of which I later turned into finished paintings. I hope that having a no pressure sketchbook will be like that!

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New art: Car pinup

Sep 2, 2011 in My art and illustration

Sanne commissioned me to make a classic pinup portrait of her and her car. Painting a car was really hard and felt like it took me ages, but I’m so happy with the result. The beautiful lucite shoes are from her own collection.

Prints are available here.
